Consumer Information

Federal regulations require that institutions provide specific consumer information about the school and about financial aid to enrolled and prospective students.
Student Consumer Information Disclosure

The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, includes many disclosure and reporting requirements for institutions participating in Title IV programs.  A disclosure requirement is information Vantage Career Center is required to distribute or make available to students (and sometimes employees).  A reporting requirement is information submitted to the U.S. Department of Education or other agencies.  

Consumer Information Disclosure At-A-Glance

Most of the information can be found in the current Vantage Career Center 2024-2025 School Catalog and Student Handbook  or below:

A. Programs that meet educational requirements for a specific professional license or certification that is required for employment in an occupation: Practical Nursing Program, LPN-RN Transition Program, Police Academy.

The Ohio Board of Nursing regulates licenses and certificates for licensed practical nurses (LPNs).  This licensure is required to become an LPN in the state of Ohio.  Those individuals that meet the statutory and regulatory requirements may practice in the State of Ohio.  It is undetermined if the curriculum of the Practical Nursing Program at Vantage Career Center meets the state educational requirements for states other than Ohio.

The Ohio Board of Nursing regulates licenses and certificates for registered nurses (RNs).  The licensure is required to become an RN in the State of Ohio.  Those individuals that meet the statutory and regulatory requirements may practice in the State of Ohio.  It is undetermined if the curriculum of the LPN-RN Transition Program at Vantage Career Center meets the state educational requirements for states other than Ohio.

The Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission certification is required to become a peace officer in the state of Ohio.   It is undetermined if the curriculum of the Police Academy at Vantage Career Center meets the state educational requirements for states other than Ohio.

B. Consumer Information on College Navigator

C. Student Body Diversity

D. Net Price Calculator

E. Completion/Graduation rates of First-Time Students
    Completion/Graduation rates Disaggregated by Category

F. Accreditor Completion, Placement, and Licensure Information
    Placement Rates and Placement Rate Methodology

G.  Annual Security Report
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act (formal name as of 1998) is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to disclose crime statistics that happen on and around their campus.  The Clery Act was named in memory of Jeanne Clery, a freshman attending Lehigh University. On April 5, 1986, Jeanne was assaulted and murdered by a fellow student in her residence hall.  
This information is published in the 2024 Annual Security Report

Accommodations for Those with Disabilities

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a student with a disability may obtain assistance to achieve educational goals. Vantage Career Center is committed to assisting qualified students with a disability with opportunities to access the benefits, rights and privileges of services, programs and activities in an accessible setting appropriate to the student’s needs.

Vantage Career Center will offer reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Students will need to make available necessary information to provide us with guidance for the needed accommodations.   For some programs, accommodations are limited by the essential functions of the job for which the student is preparing.   Our overall goal is to provide students with skills and abilities to be prepared for entry into unsubsidized employment.
Problem, questions or concerns regarding compliance with Title IX or Section 504, should be referred to Ben Winans – Title IX and Section 504 Coordinator at 419-238-5411, ext. 2032.

General Information

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