
Mission Statement - Vantage provides authentic, student-focused, career technical training that prepares high school students and adults for employment and further education.

Vision Statement - By dedicating ourselves to continuous improvement, Vantage Career Center will be a leader in career technical education. Students will be motivated to pursue a quality education that prepares them for the workforce and continued education.

District Office Staff

Tisha Parrish
Assistant to Treasurer - Accounts Payable / Receivable
Office: 419-238-5411 x 2104
Stacie Peters
Assistant to Treasurer - Payroll / Benefits
Office: 419-238-5411 x 2167
Nicole Ricker
Superintendent Secretary
Office: 419-238-5411 x 2205
Elizabeth Zartman
Treasurer/AE Secretary
Office: 419-238-5411 x 2116


Rick Turner
Rick Turner
Office: 419-238-5411 x 2102
Denise Mooney
Denise Mooney
Office: 419-238-5411 x 2150
Ben Winans
Ben Winans
High School Director
Office: 419-238-5411 x 2032
Angie Fahy
Angie Fahy
Adult Education Director
Office: 419-238-5411 x 2114
Tonya Temple
Tonya Temple
Student Services Supervisor
Office: 419-238-5411 x 2160
Julie Schroeder
Julie Schroeder
Career Tech Supervisor
Office: 419-238-5411 x 2165
Ted Verhoff
Ted Verhoff
Career Tech Supervisor
Office: 419-238-5411 x 2161
Ashley Cline
Ashley Cline
Supervisor of Student Operations
Office: 419-238-5411 x 2125
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