Article: TechCred Available to Upskill Local Workforce

TechCred Available to Upskill Local Workforce

Vantage Adult Education Customized Training Flyer

Businesses have an opportunity to apply and receive TechCred funding from the State of Ohio to assist in upgrading skill levels for their employees. Once approved, businesses can receive $2,000 per credential, up to a maximum of $30,000 per employer, in a funding period. Employers have up to one year to complete the training and apply for reimbursement. Vantage Career Center can provide training and guide businesses navigating the TechCred Application.
          Vantage Career Center Adult Education is a Customized Training sanctioned provider for many local businesses who are taking advantage of TechCred. “We want to see more businesses take advantage of this free training and upskilling opportunity,” says Adult Education Director, Angie Fahy. “Partnering businesses have seen an enhancement of their current workforce, a reduction in turnover and have created pathways for current employees to gain new skills for advancing career opportunities within their organization.”
          Vantage has the ability to provide training onsite, offsite and even online.  Customized Training Coordinator Marty Katterhenrich has an entire team dedicated to an array of Trade and Industry needs. In addition to trade and industry training, Customized Coordinator, Maria Diltz, is able to work with local employers wanting to schedule training within the health and service industries.
           Future TechCred application periods are as follows: July 3 - 31, 2023, September 1 - 29, 2023, and November 1 - 30, 2023. Local businesses looking to utilize these funds can follow these simple guidelines:
  1. Identify your business needs and potential employee skills needed.
  2. Connect with Vantage and select your program or Short-Term Certificate
  3. Apply online to Ohio TechCred at the link provided:
  4. Enroll your employee in a Vantage Career Center program.
  5. Once the training program is complete, employers would simply upload proof of credential completion at Vantage and receive their reimbursement.
Additional information regarding TechCred can be found here: or
To learn more about TechCred offerings at Vantage Career Center, you may contact Marty Katterhenrich at [email protected] or Maria Diltz at [email protected] or call the Vantage Adult Education office at 419-238-5411.

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